Name: Tim
Nick: Y|yukichigai
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 190~200
DOB: 07/28/82
Augmented Form: Half-angel
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: Semi-indestrucable wings, 6-foot spikes from the palms of each hand, sonic screams, flight, time dilation while under the influence of stimulants, fast reflexes.
Weapons of Choice: Close-range weapons, grenades.
Formerly a Physics major, Tim is majoring in whatever classes he decides to show up to that week, if any. Thanks to Leo's godOS he can now stay up 24/7 without needing sleep or food, although he does rather enjoy sleeping with Tierney whenever possible. He is a somewhat talented cook, a skill he often exercises at 3 in the morning. Tim is one of Leo's closest friends and also the only person who can stop Leo in his tracks with one word. He rooms with his girlfriend Tierney, who is a full-blown angel in her augmented form. Because of his half-angel augmented form he is the only person who can come into intimate contact with her while she is in angel form and not have his head cantaloupe. (See: Dogma, Bartleby's death) He also dresses like Brad Pitt in the movie Fight Club and plays a mean set of drums.
Name: Tierney
Nick: TierDrop
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Don't Ask(It's a girl thing)
DOB: 08/03/82
Augmented Form: Angel
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: Indestructable wings, semi-indestructable battle armor, flight, Divine fire, healing (as though you need it on 7th), excellent weapon skills.
Weapons of Choice: Angelic sword, handguns.
Tierney is another Physics major who, unlike her boyfriend Tim, is very responsible and organized. She comes from the other side of the state and transferred into school during second semester from another college. Her parents are totally unaware of the happenings on 7th Gannon, or that she is currently seeing -- and sleeping with -- Tim. Tierney is handy in the kitchen but cannot hold a candle to Tim's talent with cooking. However in gun skills she excells, sometimes out-shooting the mighty Steve, although rarely. She has a good deal of knowledge about computers and loves violent video games, which only earns her more points with the guys of 7th Gannon.
Name: Leo
Nick: ll'
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 140~150
DOB: 06/09/82
Augmented Form: A god. Duh. (Although technically he's not augmented)
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: Anything he can code into godOS, among other things instant vaporization of objects (including people).
Weapons of Choice: Aside from his god abilities, sniper weapons, but he enjoys usig various limbs, not necessarialy belonging to himself, along with any weapon which gives the victim enough time to squeak out a comic "mommy" before their imminent doom.
Leo is the resident god of 7th Gannon. He is responsible for the programming of godOS, which manages the respawning and augmentation-granting aspects of 7th Gannon; it runs on his computer, dubbed the "godbox". He is a CS major who in actuality should have majored the instant he figured out he was a god (what with the being able to know everything and all) but since the floor decided to keep the situation under wraps he must actually attempt to look like he's learning from class. Most of the time he sends a semi-mindless clone of himself to class while he stays in his dorm room and uses the godbox to do... um... godly stuff. (That's what he calls playing UT, Q3 and Tribes all day) Since he is a god Leo doesn't have to worry about dying or respawning for the most part, although there have been rare occasions when he has died, so he DOES know what it feels like. He has been known to use his booming voice to direct stupid gameplayers towards their all-too-obvious yet overlooked goal. ("wh ere's the exit ?" "TURN LEFT YOU MORON!") On the weekends he occasionally goes home to his parents' place, or visits the other heavenly beings "Upstairs".
Name: Chris
Nick: The Sinister Chris, Spam Man
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 162
DOB: 02/02/82
Augmented Form: Shapeshifter
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: Shapeshifting -- limited mostly to people or characters from movies/tv shows/comics/anime/etc. Whenever he shifts into their form he gets most of their abilities and any props they carry with them, like guns or giant faerie mallets.
Weapons of Choice: If he's not in someone else's form, the goofiest-looking thing in the room. If nothing can be found, he uses a 15-inch black rubber cock.
Chris is Tim's best friend and confederate in most of the prankish things they do. (His shapeshifting ability really comes in handy for that) Majoring in Drinking (minoring in Engineering) Chris is more shallow and horny than Tim on the exterior, although deep down, like Tim, he is a pretty nice guy. Chris' closet is home to every tool ever seen anywhere in the history of the universe, even those Binford jobs from Home Improvement. He is a sucker for a pair of breasts and ascribes to the belief that beauty is skin deep; well, at least as far as he lets on. Chris' brain is capable of leaving his body and exhibits mid-range necromatic abilities along with a tendancy to get wasted off of it's ass. It also has anger issues.
Name: Richard
Nick: Vorpaxz
DOB: 08/23/82
Augmented Form: Super-Heavy
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: Very thick armor, movement jets, shielding, very high ammo capacity.
Weapons of Choice: Mortar Launcer, Rocket Launcher, Vulcan, any other weapns commonly found in heavy armors (from Tribes).
Richard is a very close friend of both Leo and Tim. Richard is known as "the fat samoan bastard" to most of the floor thanks to Tim, although he is in fact a Pacific Islander and very tall and lanky. Before moving to 7th Gannon Richard lived on 5th floor, although he spent all his time upstairs on 7th using other people's computers. Eventually he became good friends with most of the inhabitants of 7th and, with Leo's help, had his room assignment changed to 7th floor. Leo has also built him a computer, a semi-godbox without the godlike abilities of Leo's rig. In the gaming sense it is second only to the godbox itself. Richard is a very good Tribes player, especially in Heavy armors, a skill which translates over to his augmented form. He has a habit of adding "-da" or "X0r" to the end of words. ("sweet-da" "oh fuXX0r" "that was l33tX0r")
Name: Steve
Nick: Cyberguy
Augmented Form: Sniper
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: Enhanced telescopic vision, incredibly sensitive fine muscle control, high strength, zen focus, speed reloading, weapon upgrades on any firearm or projectile weapon.
Weapons of Choice: Guns. Lots of guns. (his favorite is an 80-foot telescoping-barrel sniper rifle which fires 80mm shells)
Steve is the most violent and intense of the members of 7th Gannon. While playing video games Steve becomes very involved with his gameplay. If he misses a sniper shot with railgun in Q3 (which he almost never does) he screams "FUCK!!!!!" as loud as he possibly can; he is a better Q3 player than Leo as well. (how it's possible to be better than a god, you got me) He carries a shotgun with him wherever he goes -- even to class -- and often uses it to take out aggressions from the games he plays. In augmented form Steve is downright scary with his weapons, able to snipe almost anything, if not obliterate it totally. Most weapons undergo a major change when weilded by him in augmented form.
Name: Greg O'Neill
Nick: Chinagreg0
DOB: 04/03/82
Augmented Form: Jet-Li/Wonderboy
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: Mastery of Wu Shu and extensive knowledge of several other martial art forms. Also has glossy black hair.
Weapons of Choice: Ribbon-like objects and his bare fists.
Greg is a longtime friend of Tim's from back in High School. Throughout High School Greg had a talent for attracting almost every woman he met, but only as a friend. He seems to have cosmically bad luck when it comes to dating women, and has since become embittered against the prospect of finding that certain someone, although he still tries. What he lacks in success he makes up tenfold with sincerity, charm and creativity, allowing him to execute some of the most off-the-wall pickup lines ever heard. Greg is half Irish and half Pacific Islander, which makes him an outcast on both the mainland (where he is the token asian among his friends) and in Hawaii. (where he is called "Round-eyed boy").
Name: Dean
Nick: SS_NeoHitler
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 140~150 (100~110 without the SS gear)
Augmented Form: Neo-Hitler Jr.
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: Infinite stamina, cocksure ignorance (maybe that's a disablity), Nazi Chop, Fevered Charisma, Summons ghosts of the 3rd Reich.
Weapons of Choice: anything German.
Dean is the resident Neo-Nazi on 7th Gannon. Because Leo believes in freedom of expression he hasn't asked Dean to leave the floor, but he doesn't stop the other floor memebers from killing him either. Dean typically dresses in full SS Uniform and marches to and from class. He firmly believes Hitler is alive and is eagerly awaiting his return, when he will "clense the world of the inferior". Unfortunately Dean doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and respawns an average of 14 times daily.
Name: Walter
Nick: Tiny8888
Height: Fucking Huge
Weight: See above
DOB: 05/21/81
Augmented Form: Unstoppable force/Immoveable object
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: I think "Wlater SMASH" pretty much covers it.
Weapons of Choice: Rocks, cars, people, elephants, all things shiny, whatever's around.
Walter is -- in a word -- huge. While he may be the largest resident of 7th Gannon (towering over Richard, even when he's in his armor) he certainly isn't the brightest, but not a retard either. Even though he typically limits his speech to one- or two-word phrases Walter does have a brain in his head, leaving most of the other residents wondering exactly what is going on up there. Walter is roomed with Wob, which is just too perfect to be coincidental; Leo denies any hand in the arrangement.
Name: Wob (Robert)
Nick: Wobtallica
Height: 5'2"
Augmented Form: Pokemon Wrangler
Augmented Abilities/Enhancements: None really, except for that damn Pokeball.
Weapons of Choice: Pokeball, anything Lars has ever touched.
Wob is perhaps the oddest resident of 7th Gannon. Nobody knows exactly where Wob comes from; all they know is that he's very, very weird and somewhat stupid. His parents are just as weird: his mother talks like a canuck and his father mostly growls rather than speaks. Wob has elevated worshipping the band Metallica to an entirely new level, creating an entire religion based around his idol, Lars. He speaks with an odd speech impediment, sounding like a cross between Elmer Fudd and the two Canucks from SCTV. He likes anime, but almost nothing except Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. He also has several annoying personal habits that tend to cause one of the other residents to kill him just so he will stop.