People that SSP likes
Sit back and relax as Poe's cast of jailbait lesbian megalomaniacs, 30-- err, 29-year-old porn stars, mog-esque perverts and miniature mallet-weilding faeries proceed through tequila-induced plotlines. Obviously our all-time favorite.
Piro and Largo are loose in Tokyo, and it looks as though things will never be the same after they're done with it. Or will things? Whatever, it's just cool.
Umm, okay see there's this Jar, and some guys with all sorts of cool stuff like guns and mechs and kung-fu skillz and they do... stuff. Or something. It's just funny. Laugh dammit!
Take a console RPG, then elevate the cliches and numerous inconsistencies to a ludicrous level. Include some kick-ass art and damn funny humor and you have RPG World.
A comic truly after the heart of the lonely fanfic writer. Watch as these three friends adventure through your favorite anime series. Well, technically it's their favorite anime series, but you get my point.
People We like, but their banner sizes we don't
This satyrical look at the modern Spocompton gamer can be described in only one way: Wangtastic. We don't know what it means exactly, but it's funny as hell.
In between bouts of EverCrack addiction, Greg Dean does a funny little comic about -- of all things -- his life! It's funny, and what's more he didn't even have to throw in any far-fetched ideas like Time Machines and-- oh wait....
Sure, we've all played Final Fantasy 1, but have any of us really let ourselves get to know Black Mage, Fighter, White Mage and the like? Why can't we all just get along? WHYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?
Any comic that manages to work in the phrase "move Zig for Great Justice" without talking about that damn game is gold in my book.
Do you remember "James with Tits"? I don't either, but what's important is that the Uber-l33t hentai artist behind it was Ghastly, and he has since started his own little webcomic. (Sweet Mother of God is this one an over-18 comic)
Put some hottie babes in a station wagon -- including an underage pornophile -- then make it a spaceship. Include an artist who can't draw his way out of a box and you get Space Wagon. (But he sure can draw better than me)
College + Webcomic = Good. 'Nuff said.
SSP likes them, but they don't have banners
Sexy Losers: (no banner on this one is probably a good thing)
Say friend, are you feeling down? Looking for that certain place where Necrophilia is funny and "Fap" is heard at least 50 times a day? Then Sexy Losers is the place for you! (You had so better believe this one is an over-18 comic)